Here we go... Kali ini saya akan bahas topik yang menyebalkan. Topik yang akan kita bahas ini sih sebenarnya kecil ukurannya tapi bisa membunuh rasa percaya diri. Dialah namanya "Jerawat". Sedikit mau bagi pengalaman yaaaa tentang jerawat.... Disini saya akan menceritakan awal mula jerawatan, sampe produk-produk yang ikut andil bikin jerawat tambah parah. Bukan untuk menjelekkan produknya tujuannya, cuma pengen bagi pengalaman aja, siapa tahu bisa jadi referensi... :p Okelaaah...langsung aja...One two three...

Duluuu banget emang ada jerawat, tapi dikit aja, paling satu dua atau tiga. Terus sering gonta-ganti kosmetik, tetep ga ngaruh sama kulit, maksudnya walau sering ganti, kulit tetep ga jerawatan atau iritasi. Karena ngerasa kulit ga bakal rusak, saya coba deh produk ORIFLAME. Saya coba mulai dari untuk mutihin wajahnyaa, trus foundationnya, two way cakenya. Saya campur pakenya sesuka hati, kadang yang ini, kadang yang itu... Alhasil jerawat bersemi seperti bintang dilangit. Singkat cerita, krisis percaya diri nih saya... Sehingga saya menjalani perawatan dan pengobatan buat jerawat.

Natasha Skin Care cabang Palembang jadi pilihan saya(Saya tinggal di Palembang). Konsul dokternya gratisan, terus dikasih krim pagi, malam, anti iritasi, facial wash, dan toner. Saya juga sebulan sekali facial atau chemical feeling disana. Hasilnya??? TIDAK MENGECEWAKAN. Muka saya muluuuuus kayak bayi, lalat aja kalo hinggap kepleset :p Karena udah bagus, ga mau pake terus, aku berhentiin karna takut sama bahan kimia yang terkandung. Ternyata, datanglah NIGHTMARE, kulit saya jadi addicted. Ketergantungan sama krimnya. Saya tahanin, paksain ga pake krim. Dan... Jreeeeng... ga ada lagi tempat buat jerawat tumbuh alias udah kepenuhan. Udah kayak pake topeng jerawat, yg keliatan hanya mata, hidung, ama bibir doang. MENYEDIHKAN. Ancur-seancur-ancurnyaa.

Tibalah saatnya saya berusaha lagi menyembuhkan penyakit kulit menyebalkan ini.Saya berobat ke Dr. Bedah Plastik di Salah satu Rumah sakit swasta di palembang. Emang udah salah alamat sih, masa ngobatin jerawat ke dokter bedah plastik. Nah saya ke sana karena duluuuunyaa saya berobat jerawat ke dia juga, dan berhasil. Tapi, setelah penyakit kulit ini melanda, obat jerawat dari beliau ga ngefek sama sekali. Saya putuskan kembali ke NATASHA. Dan ternyataaaaa.... huaaaa, kulit saya sudah kebaaaal... tambah merah malah, kayak udang rebus dikasih sambel... ga ngefek ngilangin jerawat. abis itu pake krim China yang ga jelas merknya, ga ngefek juga, malah rasanya jadi belang nih kulit kayak panu, hahaha...

Selanjutnya, saya melanjutkan "pertualangan" ke Larissa Skin Care. Tapiiiiiiiii... ga ngefek ngilangin jerawat, cuma bikin wajah cerahan aja. Entahlah, kadang bikin cerah, kadang bikin merah-merah, tapi jerawat tetap berkembang biak dengan gencarnya.Daaaaaan, I finally found a "miracle". saya berobat ke Dr. Athuf. Praktiknya di samping Rumah Makan Pagi Sore deket R.S Charitas Palembang. Wah, hanya bermodalkan uang sedikit untuk krimnya. Wajah saya kembali bersih. Tapi ga kinclong amat. Yang jelas ga kayak pake topeng lagi. Sekarang jerawatnya paling muncul 1,2, atau 3 di wajah. Dan Bekas jerawatnya masih ada dikit... Alhamdulillah... jadi PD lagi walau ga kinclong-kinclong amat.

Nah gitu aja ceritanyaaa... Cerita jelek dan menyebalkan but I think it's worth sharing... Nama-nama skin care dan produk yang saya sebutkan diatas bukan maksud jelekin, tapi mungkin kulit saya aja yang banyak tingkahnya... Ga tau jugalah... haha... SEKIAN cerita jerawatnya :D

date Kamis, 16 Juni 2011

In this entry, I am telling you about friends of mine. Friends I have from junior high school and college. Here we go :D 

MY BEST FRIEND: Sri Fitri Yanti
We met in the elementary school, SD N 1 Sungai Lilin. I forgot why and how we got closer and closer and eventually she became my best friend and she  still does. So, from that elementary school, we also continued our study in the same school at SMP N 1 Sungai Lilin. Then, we also were in the same school at SMA N 2 Sekayu. So, it had been 12 years we spent our days together. Unfortunately, because of financial problem, she couldn't continue her education into college, so that she decided to stay and work in Jakarta. So, it's been almost 4 years for us for being separated. She is a nice girl. She has a great faith in Islam (praying, fasting, and other good things). She is also patient, cute, funny, beautiful, and mature.

In our room in the dormitory of our school, SMA N 2 Sekayu

In our room in the dormitory of our school, SMA N 2 Sekayu


They are Icha, Marlis, Yulia , Yuk Nani (my cousin), Sestri, and Tika. They are also funny. Every words uttered by them is always funny... Shaking my stomach. Those who are like comedians, doing and saying silly and ridiculous stuff, are Marlis and Sestri. They are totally crazy and funny. Whenever we gather, we always laugh, laugh, and laugh, until we feel tired. The day we meet is always a fun day. Love them all... :D

In Ira's House, Idul Fitri Day 

In a village, Idul Fitri Day


They are Puspa Nupitasari, Dody Sugiarto, and Beni Wijaya. we really like to spend time together at campus, campus' lake, MALL, or my rented-house. I have other friends like Bunga Aditiya, Diana and Panca but it's rare for us to gather because they live in Palembang. They all are really funny especially Dody. His personality is really different from his appearance. His appearance looks like an ordinary guy. And jreeeeeeng... he is actually a 'crazy' man. He acts and says too much, that's what makes him funny. huaaaah... it will takes long writing to describe him. Benny is a talented guy. He is smart and a dream-obsessed guy. He has strong determination to achieve his ambition. He is the type of guy who won't give up easily. He's funny too though. It's because the influence of Dody's crazy personality. :D ... Puspa is a girl from Baturaja. She likes swimming. When we swam in Persada Lake, we were so surprised because of her good swimming. She showed us her real personality when she was swimming. That's why we call her WATER LADY ROCKER since back then. She rocks the water, LOL. We four like imagination. We like to imagine unimportant and silly things. It's a waste of time but it's so much fun :D I really enjoy every second spent with them. I love them and someday I am gonna miss them.

Dody, Me, and Beny
(My 20th Birthday, at my rented-house)

Weirdo... haha

Haha, looks like a couple in middle of fight PART 1

Haha, looks like they were in the middle of fight PART 2





Yeah.... they are all my good friends..... They can make me laugh laugh and laugh... They know who I really am, all my good and my bad. I don't need to be somebody else around them. They accept everything in me, just the way I am... and It's nice to be the real me.....   :D

date Jumat, 25 Maret 2011

Every body has family. At least, it consists of father, mother, and siblings. Yeah. I have a great one consisting my daddy as my guardian angel and superhero, my mom as my guardian angel and supermom, and my younger brother as my guardian also. Without them, I am really nothing. I am dying. They are the most precious treasures ever in my entire life. 




(When We were Kids)

They all are my life. Without them, my life is going to be like hell. This is what I have in this real world. They still support and love me no matter how good or bad I am. Their love will never change and go till the end of this world. They are my heaven... :D


I am about to enter the tough time in my life. This is the time I have to write and read a lot for my undergraduate thesis. It's such a big burden on my shoulder. It's because I am the real procrastinator-well actually I wonder what's the difference between being a procrastinator and lazy student. As I am a procrastinator, deadline helps me a lot since it forces me to complete my assignments. While, you know, there's no one that will give me deadline for completing my undergraduate thesis. Even the motivation from parents is not enough to encourage and pump my spirit to read a lot and write eventually. It sucks.

I know what I am doing is wrong. I am thinking the right things but I can't make it. I can't resist my desire to have fun. I can distinguish what's good and what's bad, what I need and what I want. Yet I keep doing what I want and most of those are bad things. You know, having fun is a really bad thing for this time being and condition.

My dreams are that I want to graduate soon, work soon, and continue my study to Master Program in Education. Huh... I hate myself. Sometimes, being obsessed in a thing you really want to achieve is good and I never feel that way. I am too slow and just go with the flow. Pathetic... Pathetic... Pathetic... :((

date Jumat, 28 Januari 2011